So, I’m sort of just sitting around all day, sleeping or eating or watching birds. I feel the need to do something more productive with my life. I therefore am assisting my human in genealogy research. Don’t tell her, but I’m a lot better than she is with all this stuff. I have spent many a lazy afternoon with my little pink nose buried in research. And since I am descended (I am sure) from the very Pharaoh kitties of ancient Egypt, I intend to study a little bit of my own as well.

So to begin with, I’d like to say that the thing I find missing from MOST genealogy blogs out there are enough links to databases. Of course we all know about, and, but there are others out there! Small area ones that really let you dig into local history. I shall review these for you!

I will also pass along information about genealogy discoveries and developments. Fun fun! Until later, Mucho Fishies.